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Master Chef Q & A

MC Ferdinand Metz: Preparation, both mental and physical is paramount.

MC Jason Hall: That it is achievable.  For so long it was looked at as an impossible task, but with the right view, approach and a number of other things, if your heart is set on it, if it is a burning goal you have for yourself and you have the cooking skills, you can pass this exam.

MC Helmut Holzer: Self improvement- Confidence!

MC James Corwell: By the end of the exam I enjoyed it so much I wanted to take it again, and do it better. Also - having a good commis helps too.

MC Joseph Leonardi: Confidence in my ability to cook and perform under pressure. As well as watching myself grow through the 8 day process.

MC Kevin Gawronski: The exam validated my knowledge of food and my cooking skills. It also expanded my culinary knowledge of various types of cuisine and my skill to execute.

MC Michael Robins: Taking the CMC exam, represents the highest level of professional preparedness, organization, and personal discipline. It is not something you learn, can be taught or something you can memorize for a test. It is deeper than that, it is in your soul, your being, it becomes your culture and world in everything you do.

MC Thomas Griffiths: During the baking and pastry segment of the exam, the Facilitator asked us CMC candidates to consider why we were taking the exam and did we understand the responsibilities we would have in being a CMC. ‘To those who are given a lot, much is expected of them’… this is my takeaway on becoming a CMC; it’s really important to mentor and give back. After the exam, everything you say or do is weighed differently and you now represent something other than yourself. It’s a lot of responsibility and it changes your life.

MC Timothy Bucci: The biggest takeaway from the Certified Master Chef Exam is how the evaluators are there to support, advise, and help you learn and grow through the exam to see the finish line. There has always been speculation about how the evaluators are out to get you, but on the contrary, they really want to see you grow as you move day to day as long as you continue to take advise, push yourself and cook hard!