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Talking Paper

Talking Paper

William C. Franklin CMC AAC

Need for an alternative track to the American C.M.C.



If an effort to increase candidacy and the success rate we can continue to make and test minor adjustments to the CMC test as currently constituted.  While the tweaking might make us feel good or that our busy-ness is perceived as progress, the statistics tell a different story.  Additionally, under negative elements, the program as is considered by most, (otherwise potential) candidates to be very prohibitive due to financial, human capital and physical facility resources required.

As a group, our caveat and call out should be this, (to paraphrase Einstein), that to continue in the same path and expect different results is the definition of insanity.

Objective;   Start a discussion on the need to develop an alternative concurrent track for qualified Chefs interested in achieving the highest certification level available from the ACFEI.  The over-arching goal would be to develop a track that mitigates the negative elements while zealously but, with wisdom, guard the integrity and standing of the CMC and CMPC brand

Current success rate:  The statistical issue of the low percent of successful candidates, which all are aware of, can be viewed as both positive and negative.  Everyone agrees that the CMC and CMPC designation is not and should not be a commodity, available to anyone wishing for it but not willing to put forth the required efforts in time and energy.

What we should be struggling with and most concerned about is the numbers of otherwise excellent craftsmen who are not stepping up to test.   Many of whom, do not have access to assets capable of covering the negative elements referenced above.

Do we as a group support the proposition that requires all potential candidates to work for a deep pocket and or generous benefactor/institution who can and will offset the associated cost?

If so, then this in itself, will always limit the numbers while making it look as if only a few specially endowed will ever gain access.

Strategic Goal:  In concert with the ACFEI’s other certification levels, Develop a concurrent program that allows the CMC and CMPC examination to be fully administered at the chapter level much like we do for any other certification level /event.  Accomplish this while maintaining the integrity of the brand.  Have the prototype test available to chapters by January 2012.

Tactical discussions:

  • Explode the current model into individual progressive competencies that could be administered one or more at time.
    • Currently 8. (It could be more or less.)
  • Other than the typical ACFEI associated administration costs, force all other costs to the chapter level. Allow them the opportunity to creatively workout how to acquire and provide all the assets needed.
    • This is current with all other certification levels!
    • Local fund raising and sponsorship to support candidate(s) as they progress through.
  • Develop a realistic time line in which all required elements have to be completed.
    • Will it be months, one year, two years or more!
    • The Candidate and sponsoring chapter should be responsible, in concert with ACFEI, to track and document the individual’s progress throughout.
  • To the degree, that it is believed, a measurable and significant amount of the CMC brand integrity is associated with being able to cook at a high level while extremely fatigued and sleep deprived then that needs to be work into the requirements.


  • Takes away the mystery(s) of the test by allowing/ encouraging chapters to buy in, which in turn, can strengthen the Brand.
  • Makes the total associated costs to the candidate very flexible.
  • Puts the CMC and CMPC tests on same track as all other levels of ACFEI Certification.
  • Will increase participation.
  • Will increase success rate.
  • Gives the ACFEI greater flexibility in how and where the parts and pieces of the required competencies are administered.
  • Allows for a broader pool of judges to be used as test evaluators thus eliminating the perceived or real, group thinking that currently exist.
  • Puts the focus at the average member leadership level and encourages, finding and collaborating with local Asset’s that can support and provide the required facilities, and finances needed.
  • If the time frame to accomplish all is known and set, then each candidate has flexibility to tailor their own program.



  • May be perceived as a dilution of the brand.