Lyde Buchtenkirch-Biscardi C.M.C. Retired

Attended Culinary Institute of America, New Haven 1970 – 72 Graduated with Honors
Fellowship 1972-73 at Hyde Park Campus
DuPont Country Club, Delaware
Wilmington Country Club, Delaware
Johnson and Wales, Chef Instructor
Culinary Institute of America, Chef Instructor in various subjects
Skill Development, American Regional Cuisine, Fish Cookery, Charcuterie, Meat Fabrication
Team leader for Curriculum in Baking and Pastry Department
Master Chef Exam 1990, Highest overall performance award

Competed in many culinary competitions:
Frankfurt Culinary Olympics 1980 Gold Medal for buffet platters, Special Silver cup
Osaka Japan, Gold medal for cold food presentation
Klagenfurt, Austria, Gold medal
New York Societe Culinaire Philanthropique: Gold Medal of the Societe Culinaire Philanthropique, Grand Salon, Otto Gentsch Medal, Long Island Culinary Federation Medal, St Michel Medal
Boston Culinary Show: Grand Salon
American Culinary Federation Judged Food Shows: 3 gold and 1 silver medal